Postcard Project

BriefMartin Parr Research My postcards

New York Library Research

My Ideas
  • to produce a set of postcards portraying reasons not to visit the seaside area, Southend-on-Sea
  1. dog fouling on the beach ( collage using photo and sandpaper) - this would be difficult to produce as people may be funny about you taking photo's of their dogs
  2. map of southend, pin pointing areas where people have recently been attacked (using the Evening Echo paper to research attacks)(slogan - 'come here for a good beating!')
  3. needle at parks
  4. smashed bottles outside the clubs ('don't forget the spare tyre')
  5. stolen cars
  6. Graffitti (slogan 'there's artwork everywhere!')
  7. Fighting scene (either outside Kursaal, SUFC Roots Hall)
  8. boarded up hotel (slogan - 'Oh i do like to be beside the seaside, whatever the accomodation')
  9. Headlines from the local paper using words collaged on paper ie, mugged, stabbed, stolen, critical, murdered etc.
My Final Postcards

The above postcard was decided upon after visiting the kursaal estate. A well known rough area in central Southend. On the day of visiting I found an example of the flats with a smashed and boarded up window and also rubbish dust cart and old used- fly-tipped sofa out front. I felt this would be ideal for my hotel idea. I knew of a derelict hotel along the seafront however I felt this was a much better setting, so I added in the fancy doors and inputted the hotel name.

I chose to do the above because after taking photo's for each of my above ideas I found this piece of graffiti which i thought was very typical of the area and felt it would make an interesting postcard.

I took this photo of one of the south east of essex's biggest clubs of the 90's and early noughties, until its modern competitor Mayhem was built in the middle of the high street. Fortunately I didn't have to do much to this image as it wasn't well looked after as it was, cigarette butts and flyers from the weekend before. My intention was to add glass onto the image but I felt this was unneccessary. I made the image black and white leaving only the main features in colour to excentuate them.

This is the original image I took of the drugs at the park. I thought I would use the carton I found in my car. I thought this definately made the image and of all the photo's i took decided this was the best compostition, I just wasnt happy with the objects I used. I then went back the next day after collecting some props. The final product is below.

This is the final park image. Again I have stayed with the theme of black and white and using only colour to excentuate the bad. I'm really happy with the way this image turned out.
I downloaded this map of Southend from the internet, changed from colour to black and white and used the local paper to find out recent bad activity. I then used a key and different symbols to pinpoint the attacks and the different attacks.

I found this car down a road local to me, I felt it would be a great opportunity to show the crime within my postcards, again using black and white with colour to excenturate the main qualities.